Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Welcome to 2nd grade! I would like to welcome back students from last year, and I’d like to extend a warm welcome to new students. As always, the start of a school year holds the promise of new discovery and learning, as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas.

My name is Mary Deputie, I am very excited to be joining the 2nd grade team at Bethune Elementary! I have been working in Minneapolis Public Schools for several years now, most recently as a resident teacher. This will be my first year teaching Second graders and being at Bethune! Teaching and working with youth is truly one of my life passions. I hope to continue to grow as a teacher each year along with my students.

I am looking forward to an exciting year with my class and welcome your visit at any time to share in our learning experiences. Also, feel free to contact me about any questions, concerns or celebration about your child. I'm best reached by e-mail: mary.deputie@mpls.k12.mn.us. You can also call me at the school or send a note with your student.

Best Regards,

Ms. Deputie
