Welcome to Bethune High-5 in room 108
Mr. B and Mrs. Porth

Distance Learning

We will be using Seesaw to do our distance learning. To get to seesaw just go to web.seesaw.me at the top right click "log in" then click "I'm a student". You can then either use a QR code or type in the text code I have sent you. 

If you need me to send you your text code again please just send me an email. 

My email is Amy.Porth@mpls.k12.mn.us

You can also call and leave me a voice message at 612-692-0239 




Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! My name is Amy Porth and I will be the lead teacher. We will also have Nathan Bautista in our classroom working as our educational assistant. High-5 will be filled with many new beginnings. This will be my first year teaching at Bethune, and my first year teaching High-5. Prior to this I have worked as a toddler teacher, and a reserve teacher. I am excited meet all of your children and help them learn to enjoy being part of a safe, fun, and supportive learning community!

We have breakfast, lunch and snack each day in High-5.  

We will go outside when the weather permmits, please send children in appropriate outdoor gear.



8:55-9:20 Breakfast
9:30-10:00 Morning Meeting
10:00-10:20 Literacy and Math Centers
10:25-11:20 Specialists
11:20-11:40 Repeated Read Aloud
11:40-12:10 Lunch
12:10-12:25    SEL/Read Aloud
12:25-12:55 Quiet Time 
12:55-1:45  Choice Time & Small Group
1:45-2:20 Recess
2:20-3:10 Math Whole Group
3:10-3:20 Snack & Closing Circle
3:20-3:30 Get on Busses


Please feel free to e-mail with any questions or concerns.

Ms. Porth
