Behavior, Climate, Culture

High Expectations for Student Behavior

We’re the Bethune BEARS! BEARS stands for Becoming Enthusiastic And Responsible Students. We take pride in this motto because a positive and orderly school environment is essential for learning to take place. Each person, student as well as adult, is responsible for creating this atmosphere.

As an MPS school, we follow the Student Conflict & Intervention Handbook with policies as indicated by the Central Office.  Positive School Wide Engagement is at the center of our behavioral interventions throughout the building.

Bethune students are expected to:

Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Be Your Best

In order to establish an effective learning environment, the Bethune staff has established a building-wide behavior curriculum based on the following assumptions:

  • Behavior is a basic skill that needs to be taught, practiced and reinforced.
  • The Citywide Discipline Policy will be enforced by the principal and staff. 
  • Parents need to be informed and involved with their child’s educational progress. Parent involvement and support is essential for Bethune students to learn appropriate behavior skills.
  • Every student has the right to a positive, orderly and safe environment, which is essential for learning to take place.