What is a Full-Service Community School?

 A Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and community resources. Its integrated focus on academics; health and social services; youth development; and community engagement leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. Schools become centers of the community and are open to everyone – all day, every day, evenings and weekends.

MPS’s Bethune, Cityview and Green Central schools to offer family supports and services in the 2019/2020 school year
What: A continuum of supports and services in mental and physical health, out-of-school time, and family engagement will become available in the 2019/2020 school year to students and families at three Minneapolis Public Schools:
  • Bethune Community School (919 Emerson Ave. N.)
  • Cityview Community School (3350 Fourth St. N.)
  • Green Central Park School (3416 Fourth Ave. S.)
Each school community will have the opportunity to participate in a needs assessment in early 2019 to determine optimal service partnerships and services that will be available at each school.
Funding for service coordination is being provided through a five-year Full Service Community School grant through the U.S. Department of Education, as well as through a partnership with Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.
Who: On-site staff at all three schools were hired to: 1) coordinate services through identified community partners, and 2) work directly with families to connect them with the appropriate services. A district-based project specialist will manage the partnership.
When: School needs assessments will occur in early 2019. All partnership staff will be hired by March 2019. Integration of supports and services will begin at schools with the start of the 2019/2020 school year.
Why: Data shows that Full Service Community Schools, when implemented with sufficient funding and fidelity, can positively impact standardized reading and math test scores, English proficiency, attendance, behavior, wellness, social skills and trust between school and families.
Bethune, Cityview and Green Central were identified for participation in this initiative for reasons related to location, available facility space, community need, and existing partnerships.


Questions: Contact your schools Family Resource Room and speak to your Full-service Community Coordinator or your school principal.