Welcome Back Bethune Students and Families!
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 1:15 PM

Welcome Back to School

August 24, 2020


Dear Bethune Families,

I hope that you all have been able to enjoy the summer break. I look forward to welcoming all of you to the 2020-21 school year.

The start of this school year will be new and unique to all of us. As you likely know, we will begin the school year in Distance Learning.  Superintendent Graff and the School Board have determined that the pandemic requires us to continue to learn remotely this fall.  You can read about our District’s Phased Plan for Distance Learning  here: https://b2s.mpls.k12.mn.us/News?itemId=1053   I look forward to welcoming our students in grades 1-5 on September 8, and our Pre-K and Kindergarten students on September 10!

I know you have many questions about how your child’s learning experience will look and feel in September. I want to assure you that Distance Learning will look and feel different that it did last spring.  We will be better able to engage our students in the most meaningful learning experiences we can.  We will have more consistent learning structures and schedules across grade level classrooms.  Our teachers will incorporate more live learning opportunities in the school day as well.  Below you will find a few important updates.


Staffing Update

Please join me in welcoming the new staff to Bethune staff:

  • Anajah Aron – Special Education Assistant

  • Abby Zutz – Special Education Assistant

  • Alyssa Jackson – High 5 Associate Educator

  • Asha Belk – Social Worker

  • Jonathan Sussman – Music Teacher

  • Mary Lawler – Media Specialist

  • Maureen Hunt – Instrumental Music Teacher

  • Brittany Blenkush – Special Education Teacher

  • Chelsie Curry – 3rd grade teacher

  • Christina Perault Boughton – 3rd Grade Teacher

  • Lauren Fugh – 4th Grade Teacher

  • Courtney Stempinski – 5th Grade Teacher


Registration for Families new to Bethune

New students to Bethune need to finalize registration.  Beginning August 24th,  our office staff will be available from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm to assist families who need to register. Families are not able to enter the building so please call 612-668-2550 when you get to the school and someone will come out to assist you.  Please to not come to the building if you:

  • Have any symptoms of illness/COVID-19.

  • Have tested positive for COVID-19.

  • Are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.

·  Have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.



Students in PreK- 2nd grade will need iPads, and students in 3rd-5th grade will need Chromebooks to be able to participate in Distance Learning. On August 11th, you received a device survey that allows us to support your child’s technology needs.  You may have also received a phone call from a Bethune staff member to find out if your child needs a device to be able to participate in Distance Learning from home.  If you did not receive the survey or a phone call, please contact us at 612-668-2550.  There will also be school supplies available and instructional materials for students to support their learning at home.  The devices and instructional materials can be picked up during our welcome back event.  


Back to School Event 

We will be hosting an outdoor Back to School event on Wednesday, September 2 from 4:00-6:00 pm. Students will be able to meet their teacher/staff, pick up school supplies, devices, and new families will be able to register.  All students and families must wear masks and maintain six feet of social distancing. There will be signs directing families where to go.

Virtual Welcome Back Event

We understand that some families and staff may not be able to attend the in person event.  Teachers will be hosting a virtual open house the week of August 31st.  We will send detailed information about this the week of August 24th.  

Application for Educational Benefits

ALL families with children enrolled in the Minneapolis Public Schools district should complete an Application for Educational Benefits each year. Apply here

Applying matters!

  • Directly impacts school funding

  • Determines benefits for students and families such as no-cost meals at school, free bus cards, and discounted internet service.

  • Generates about $100 million in district funding each year, and qualifies schools and community sites to serve no-cost food to youth 18 and under both after-school and in the summer months.


Construction Update

 I am excited to share that our school is nearing the end of the construction project for Bethune’s new secure entrance and kitchen. The expected completion date is August 28, however, there are some potential delays that may impact staff and families as we approach back to school in Distance Learning.  Until the construction is complete, visitors will not be allowed in the building.  Once the construction is complete, I will send out communication.


Please do not hesitate to contact staff at 612-668-2550, as we have staff in the building answering the phones to assist you.  Know that any questions you may have, someone at Bethune will be here to assist you. 

The Bethune staff is committed to creating the best experience possible for all of our students because each and every one of them deserves nothing less.  This will require us to partner and collaborate in new and different ways.  At some point we will return to having school in our building.  We will be a more resilient, compassionate and creative learning community as a result of our having to imagine a different way of being and learning together.

Please enjoy these last few weeks of summer.  I look forward to meeting each student and family.



Kelly Woods

